Uninstall instructions
How to uninstall IQMango?
- 1. Click "Start" and choose "Control Panel"
- 2. Double click "Add or Remove Programs"
- 3. Click on "IQMango", then click "Remove/Uninstall."
- 4. Click "Yes" to confirm.
How do I uninstall IQMango in Windows Vista / Windows 7?
- 1. Click "Start" and choose "Control Panel"
- 2. Under Programs click the Uninstall a Program
- 3. Choose "IQMango" and right click, then choose Uninstall/Change
- 4. Click "Yes" to confirm
How do I uninstall IQMango in Windows XP?
- 1. Click "Start" and choose "Control Panel"
- 2. Click the Add or Remove Programs icon
- 3. Choose "IQMango", then click "Remove/Uninstall."
- 4. Click "Yes" to confirm
How do I uninstall IQMango in Windows 95, 98, Me, NT, 2000?
- 1. Click "Start" and choose "Control Panel"
- 2. Double-click the "Add/Remove Programs" icon
- 3. Choose "IQMango" and right click, then choose Uninstall/Change.
- 4. Click "Yes" to confirm